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Radical Candor | PDF Book Summary | By Kim Malone Scott

Radical - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. DOWNLOAD THE RADICAL CANDOR PDF FOR FREE! DOWNLOAD PDF CONCLUSION Key takeaways. Radically Candid management does take serious time, but it leaves you time to pursue your own expertise and to deal with the unpredictable. Radical Candor requires you to be conscious, and to bring your full humanity to work with you. Radical Candor Kim Scott - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily.

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Radical candor pdf download

Radical Candor is written for bosses and those who manage bosses. Giving actionable lessons to the reader, this book shows managers how to be successful while retaining their humanity, finding meaning in their job, and creating an environment where people both love their work and their colleagues. Prior to founding Candor, Inc. With lessons distilled from her experience at Apple and Google, Radical Candor focuses on 4 areas: how to build better relationships at work, how to get and offer guidance, how to help your team build their dreams, radical candor pdf download, and how to drive extraordinary results collaboratively.

The goal of this book is to create an environment where people would love their work and one another, and save time for managers:. Challenging others and encouraging them to challenge you helps build trusting relationships. It shows that:.

The key is how you handle conflict. Likewise, invite people to challenge you just as directly as you are challenging them. You have to encourage them to challenge you directly enough that you may be the one who feels upset or angry.

When people trust you and believe you care about them, they are much more likely to:, radical candor pdf download. For managers to practically apply the aforementioned principles, the author recommends the following:. Thus, think how to give your team a similar, centred sense of autonomy, so they can bring their best selves to work.

There can only be real trust when people feel free at work. Spending time with people from work in a more relaxed setting, without the pressure of work deadlines, can be a good way to build relationships.

Everyone is different, so be clear upfront with each person at work regarding their boundaries. A great way to get to know and build trust with somebody in the radical candor pdf download is to offer Radically Candid praise and criticism. However, if you criticise someone without first taking two seconds to show you care, radical candor pdf download, you might get great results short-term, but you will leave a trail of dead bodies in the long run.

It rarely reflects what a person thinks and it happens when people are too focused on being liked, when they think they can gain a political advantage by being fake, or when they are just too tired to care or argue any more. Then, prioritise giving praise more than criticism: it guides people in the right direction and it encourages people to keep improving.

To criticise a person without discouraging it, be invested in helping the person improve. To get the conversation flowing:. In other words, pushing everybody to grow super-fast is radical candor pdf download the best practice.

Some people do not want the next, bigger job. The best way to manage rock stars is to recognise them but not promote them. To keep superstars happy, keep them challenged. Make sure they are constantly learning, give them new opportunities, figure out what their next job will be, radical candor pdf download, build an intellectual partnership with them, and find them mentors from outside your team or organisation. If their work is still mediocre, encourage these people to look for jobs elsewhere.

Your job as the boss is to set and uphold a quality bar, and to build a great team that achieves exceptional results. When somebody is performing poorly and, despite the clear communication about the nature of the problem, is showing no signs of improvement, you must fire that person, radical candor pdf download. Before you fire a person, consider these questions:.

We all go through waves in our career; make sure radical candor pdf download relationships with your people evolve as their dreams and trajectories do. Once a year, put together a grown plan for each member of your team. Using the diagram above, put the names of your team in the category you believe they belong. They are your must-do meetings, where the employees set the agenda, and you listen carefully and help them clarify.

An effective staff meeting has 3 goals: review how things have radical candor pdf download the previous week, allow people to share important updates, and force the team to identify the most important decisions and debates for the coming week.

A meeting for yourself. Block time to think, and hold that time sacred. Encourage the rest of your team to do the same. They are radical candor pdf download for debate, but not decisions, on major issues faced by the team.

At the end everyone will have a summary of the facts and issues that emerged, a clearer definition of the choices going forward, radical candor pdf download, and a recommendation to keep debating or to move on to a decision. The goal here is to leave egos at the door, decide solely based on facts, and reach to final decisions otherwise the meeting was merely a debate. These meetings bring everyone along especially in large companies.

Be ruthless about making sure your team has time to execute. Block off execution-time in your calendar, and encourage others to do the same, radical candor pdf download. Make progress visible to everyone, giving more autonomy to the team, and giving everyone a chance to identify and resolve issues before they hurt the results.

Schedule an hour a week of walking-around time. Then, tell them your personal stories; they will explain better than anything what you really mean and why. Show some vulnerability. Who can you talk to? Radical candor pdf download your boss help? A mentor outside of work? Others from the Radical Candor community? Keep them focused and productive. Start a growth-management plan for each person on your team. Make sure that you are not creating a promotion-obsessed culture.

Radical Candor requires you to be conscious, radical candor pdf download, and to bring your full humanity to work with you. The goal of this framework is to help you and your team achieve results you never imagined possible.

Always start by asking for criticism, not by giving it. Further reading Leaders Eat Last is ideal for anyone who leads, whether it be a small team, an entire organisation, a community or a family. Simon emphasises that when an environment is built on trust, teams will work together, have each others backs, survive and thrive. The Art of People by Dave Kerpern is a great guide on how to manage some of the most important people and relationships in your life.

Kerpern emphasises that people can make all the difference between an average life and a great life. Guidelines is my eBook that summarises the main lessons from 33 of the best-selling self-help books in one place. It is the ultimate book summary; Available as a page ebook and minute audio book. Guidelines lists 31 rules or guidelines that you should follow to improve radical candor pdf download productivity, become a better leader, do better in business, improve your health, succeed in life and radical candor pdf download a happier person.

This summary is not intended as a replacement for the original book and all quotes are credited to the above mentioned author and publisher. With: 0 Comments. Management Team Work.

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Radical Candor - Kim Scott

, time: 11:17

Radical candor pdf download

radical candor pdf download

Scott earned her stripes as a highly successful manager at Google before moving to Apple where she developed a class on optimal management. Radical Candor draws directly on her experiences at these cutting edge companies to reveal a new approach to effective management that delivers huge success by inspiring teams to work better together by embracing fierce conversations. Mar 26,  · Radical Candor Summary by Kim Scott will show you why practicing radical candor is the best option for your workplace, and will give you a number of useful tools that you can use to strengthen your relationship with your employees, and motivate them to reach their full potential. Download PDF: Filed under. Radical Candor offers a guide to those bewildered or exhausted by management, written for bosses and those who manage bosses. Drawing on years of first-hand experience, and distilled clearly to give practical advice to the reader, Radical Candor shows you how to be successful while retaining your integrity and humanity.

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